Saturday, May 30, 2009

may 30th

mom and i got into an argument this morning.
she told me today was the day when i had to decide whether or not i was moving out. she keeps pressuring me and wont stop. i dont really understand why she keeps bugging me? if i dont move out, then she doesn't have to pay child support (so she thinks) but if i do move out, she has to pay child support?

her friend sherry sent me a graduation card that says
"Kadee, remember to follow your dreams. and be thankful for all the family in your life that have heped you along the way. never forget that your mom loves you unconditionally and has and will always be there for you. good luck with all the appartment and keep the doors locked and a bat by the door. keep moving forward in your education because you have the opportunity and should take advantage of it"
1- NONE of the family sherry knows of, has EVER been there for me. they haven't been in my life, they haven't helped me with anything but the grandparents bought a car. they called me a failure because im going to an alternative school. they always talk bad about me.
2-MY MOM DOES NOT, I REPEAT DOES NOT show that she loves me. she's NEVER there for me. and not once in the past 6 months said "i love you" to me. i dont need to hear that every day, but maybe some action shown that she loves me would be nice at least once in a while.
3- i dont need anyone else bugging me telling me to go to school. when im ready for college, i'll go. until then, STAY OFF MY BACK!

god, sherry doesn't know anything about my mom, but the lies she feeds her.

we got into another fight this afternoon.
i asked her if she wanted to go in on getting a treadmill with me, and when i move out i'll pay her what she paid for her half, and i'll take it with me. then we started fighting about how if i stay, i have to unload all my boxes in the downstairs EMPTY room that she doesn't go in? i have to keep my bedroom and bathroom SPOTLESS everyday. and clean up dog crap. i think she included her dogs crap too? but im not for sure. i got her to aggree on moving all her business boxes out of under neath the stairs cause im not unloading my boxes. she wanted me to put them in the boiler room, but that will just get hot and ruin ALL my stuff. she told me i cant have parties at her house.. when i've only had one for the past 3 years i've lived there. and i cleaned up everything... yet she still bitches cause i didn't make everything "spotless". and she said i couldn't have any friends stay over from out of town. the only person IN salt lake that i hang out with is my best friend, nicole... and all my other friends are from out of town. so when they come to visit to see ME, they'll have no where to stay. the last friends that stayed here were really clean, and cleaned up all their mess and she still says my friends are wreckless? i've had one group of guys come over who moved paintings around, and were complete jerks who lived in salt lake... but i put the paintings back, and haven't talked to them since. they didn't stay the weekend...

we also got started on how the only way she can get colton to come over is if she brings jaden and dylan over. and her response to that was "they love to come hang out here" and i said "when do they EVER come over when coltons not here? and when do you EVER hang out with colton when they aren't here?" then i told her how her driving him to school and home everyday for that 10 minutes tops was NOT spending time with him. and how she didn't tell me dad was taking her to court. haha! she wasn't going to bring it up to me....... at all. too bad i already knew about it.

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